loco started as a urethane shell made by American Hi Rail which was an S Scale
only maker that was mostly aimed at the American Flyer market. Tom Hodgson
perfected a method of copying HO shells, somehow “growing” them to S Scale
size and casting in urethane. The company is now closed. All the other parts
needed to complete the loco besides the shell had to be bought separately
from various sources. My
loco was bought at the Ted Mauer train auction on 6-22-19. It was made by the
late Dave Bailey of Macungie PA. The auction is how I found out Dave had
passed in January 2019. Dave was an awesome modeler and very active in the
late 1980s and 1990s. Dave was the “modern” guy mostly modeling Conrail. He
had brass SD40-2 running on DC with constant lighting and a sound unit in the
early 1990s. Dave also made a 32’ long modular hump yard that had a working
car retarder based on the Allentown PA (then) Conrail yard. He took it to
conventions and modular meets in South Amboy NJ for years. I got my PRSL AS16 shell from Dave in 1993 as 1
of my all time favorite model train trades of my life. |
mentioned I had nothing to do with the building of this loco. I did install the
WOW4 decoder and surface mount LEDs for the headlights.
can’t say for sure it is 1 of a kind but there are not more than a few running
especially built up to this level of detail. I got it because it was made by
Dave and is unique. S Scalers visiting will know it is something different and
Urethane Shell
is the shell Dave started with. It is very basic. Dave turned it into a shining
think there was a cast urethane frame available for this loco. Dave opted to
use a very stretched American Models drive. The fuel
tank is metal as well. Dave made a master pattern for the sideframes and cast
them himself. I started to install the DCC with 4 wire Miniatronics plug. The
TCS WOW4 decoder, speaker and lights are all in the shell. The plug sends the
power up to the decoder and back down to the motor.
Done and running
of the below photos were all taken with the Helicon photo stacking program for
maximum depth of field.
The Dash8-32B is posed with my American Flyer by Lionel SD70
Revised 6-23-19
photos and content © Lanes Trains 2005-2023