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PRR X29 in S Scale

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As I evolved in S Scale, starting in the early 90s, I began to be very interested in the PRR. I realized that the X29 was a must have car if I was going to model the PRR well. After I unsuccessfully tried to help 2 other companies get the X29 produced in plastic, then brass, it became apparent that I was going to have to make them myself as Lanes Trains.  However, I liked the name Pennsy S Models better, which was started in 1996 with my then new friend Dan  Mastrobuono, and we have been trying to get the project completed ever since! In June 2005 the production models arrived albeit some version and decal issues. It will unfortunately take us into 2007 before all the customers’ cars are shipped.


Here is our first X29 pilot model from May 2001

old rivets small

We have named it “Old Rivets”


My finished X29


We have come a long way since Old Rivets was made. Here are some of my finished production models from 2005. Many of them are a one of a kind because I took our production models and changed some of the details.



Railway Express Agency Version


The REA version was the car with the largest single production we made. They were also the cars that were completed first. Since researching the REA cars, I have become very interested in head end cars. I found that the versions of the REA car were almost as varied as the X29 freight cars. I simply had to model some of the variations.  We allowed for many REA car numbers in the decal sets. I will even have Shadow Keystone REA cars when I am done. The prototype REA cars were usually very weathered and dirty. I tried to capture the weathering and still showcase all the details we worked so hard to get made.

REA 2010

REA 2010 small

Many of the modifications involved changing the Ajax style power brake to the vertical brake shaft. I also had to change the poling pockets on this car to castings that did not have the under coupler cut lever bracket. I then added the Carmer Cut lever parts, which were made for us by Earl Tuson.



REA 2131

REA 2131 small

As a present to Dan and me, I wanted to get 10 Dreadnaught end REA cars made. They were not listed on the order form as a version to be sold. But since they were never listed on the production breakdown, they also did not get made either. That did not stop me though, as I took a Dreadnaught end freight version and made it into a REA car. I did have to rearrange the brake system somewhat, and run the steam and signal lines. I added trust plates, the REA brake platform, and all of the extra REA grab irons and steps. I will definitely be making at least 2 more of these freight to REA conversions.


REA 2351

REA 2351 small

This car was a painted production run car without many modifications. It has the 1928 style body with the patch panel, Ajax style brake and under coupler cut lever.


REA 2429

X29_REA_2429 small


In case you have not noticed, some of the cars numbers picked are based on Ford V8 engines like 2351 and 2429. There are other Ford numbers on the decal sheet that I have yet to use.


Freight Versions

X29 49791

X29 49791 small

This is the first PRR freight version car that I finished. It is pretty much right out of the box except I added trust plates. It is the 1924 style body with Patch Panels, under coupler cut lever and vertical brake shaft.


B&O M26

B&O_M26 small

We had the B&O style ladder made from real B&O drawings. B&O freight car Guru Chris Barkan helped us out a LOT! I chose the mid-1950s scheme for my car.



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Updated 2-25-18

All photos and content © Lanes Trains 2005-2018