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Norfolk & Western GP35 206


At first glance you might think it is a GP9 but the GP35 is taller, and has a different fan arrangement.


Norfolk_&_Western_GP35_206_1 small


Norfolk_&_Western_GP35_206_2 small


Norfolk_&_Western_GP35_206_3 small


Norfolk_&_Western_GP35_206_4 small



Adding to my collection of second generation high hood locos in June 2023 is this very customized American Models GP35 built by Bob Yahnke. Bob lived in Ohio so he built it for Wheeling & Lake Erie. I am not adding W&LE to the railroads I have modeled. It is of Southern heritage which is a very close second choice for this Norfolk & Western repaint. Note the Alco trucks that Southern traded with EMD when they ordered the GP35. Bob did a great job on the build. The high hood work was built by him there is no conversion kit for it. Bob’s layout was inactive for a very long time. The models got rather dusty. Photos below are as received in July 2023


Norfolk_&_Western_GP35_206_5 small Norfolk_&_Western_GP35_206_6 small Norfolk_&_Western_GP35_206_7 small


I am not changing much here. Bob was building and running before DCC was the standard. He did not change to open brass fans on any of the locos I have. I point my speaker up out through the fans. This loco deserves to have open brass fans. Unfortunately the closest easily available brass fans made in S are not open. I am using Overland parts. The small fan is actually an HO part. The 3 large fans are from S Scale GP38-2. That cannot be done often because the fans were never offered as parts. A brass GP38-2 is being robbed for parts.


Added 6-25-24

I now have the parts that I need. The project has begun. These are the last photos taken as lettered W&LE. Note I have already changed the Alco sideframes to EMD Blomberg. The new Overland fans show below are just resting in place. I also got the brass extended side cab windows.


I searched extensively and asked on N&W Facebook groups to see if the GP35 was ever Pevler (N&W) Blue. That would have been a nice change to the other N&W locos I have. All I got was some color shifted internet photos where some black locos looked sort of blue but no definitive proof the GP35 was ever N&W Blue. So this is staying black. 

Norfolk_&_Western_GP35_206_8 small Norfolk_&_Western_GP35_206_9 small



Added 7-7-24


I had some progress over the 4 day July 4th weekend. Most of the work was on the roof. As mentioned these are all Overland fan castings. They look GREAT! There are some castings I don’t have right now. I am adding the pilot footboards back on.

Norfolk_&_Western_GP35_206_10 small Norfolk_&_Western_GP35_206_11 small Norfolk_&_Western_GP35_206_12 small


Ready For Paint

Added 8-7-24

The GP35 shell has this odd recessed box under the dynamic brakes. It is a waste of valuable interior space. The RailMaster DLG8 speaker JUST fits in that space if opened up. Much of the reason for revising this loco was to open the shell up and point the speaker up through open brass fans.

Norfolk_&_Western_GP35_206_13 small Norfolk_&_Western_GP35_206_14 small Norfolk_&_Western_GP35_206_15 small


The open brass fans make such a huge improvement in appearance at least for me. It was well worth the effort. The sound is much better as well. I added the pilot steps back on.

Norfolk_&_Western_GP35_206_16 small Norfolk_&_Western_GP35_206_17 small Norfolk_&_Western_GP35_206_18 small


I like it much better painted as Norfolk & Western

Completed 8-17-24

Bob made another very similar loco likely at the same time but that was in much worse condition when I purchased this one. Given the last I heard Bob was in an assisted living facility I have no idea when or if the second loco will ever be for sale. So with my revisions this loco is now 1 of a kind.


I have been using real glass for my model windows for over 30 years. The thought of trying to accurately cut glass pieces to JUST fit in the extended cab window frame did not thrill me. I used something new to me here called PTEG plastic that is very clear and has a glass shine. It is CHEAP and all over eBay in every size imaginable. I made a U shaped window and stuffed it in the brass frame - without glue! All good to go.


I made new numberboard inserts to fit flush from Evergreen strip. I decaled on the unpainted plastic. I did not get a custom decal set made. I used all Microscale. The N&W set is 64-86. Also I used block gothic numbers for the numberboards.


There are a few more things I could have done like add the 3D printed draft gear. But Bob designed the shell to be attached to the drive using the same screws for coupler mounting. I left that as is. I somehow missed the cab rain deflecting gutter. There are small caution and warning decals in the decal set. My photos were not good enough to read them on the loco so I did not add them. I have mostly not been doing much loco weathering for the past few years. I am trying to allow myself to say “good enough” sooner with my projects.






This is the beauty of American Models. It is hard to believe these both started out as the same loco. You can stay basic and stock or whatever you want to build it into.



My 5 High Hood Collection 8-17-24



Revised 8-17-24

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